tomsdigital: Round and round...
tomsdigital: Merry-go-round
tomsdigital: The Natural History Museum
tomsdigital: Dinosaur at the Natural History Museum
tomsdigital: Thames Barrier
tomsdigital: The Thames Barrier glows in the setting sun
tomsdigital: Flood defences
tomsdigital: The 4th plinth
tomsdigital: Trafalgar Square on a sunny April day
tomsdigital: Lion in Trafalgar Square
tomsdigital: Admiralty Arch
tomsdigital: Captain Cook
tomsdigital: A war memorial next to Horse Guards Parade
tomsdigital: Duck (St James' Park)!
tomsdigital: Phone home
tomsdigital: 'Big Ben' on CCTV
tomsdigital: Churchill keeps an eye on Parliament
tomsdigital: Sunset approaching
tomsdigital: Sunset over the gherkin
tomsdigital: London skyline
tomsdigital: The sun sets over the City skyline
tomsdigital: The Shard towers over the city
tomsdigital: Glowing river
tomsdigital: London afterglow
tomsdigital: City skyline (cropped to panoramic format)
tomsdigital: City in silhouette
tomsdigital: The King Gorilla
tomsdigital: Mr Gorilla
tomsdigital: Corner curves, City Hall
tomsdigital: More London swirls