tomsdigital: The Sagitta
tomsdigital: The Sagitta
tomsdigital: Brown Pelican pruning itself
tomsdigital: A white tipped Reef Shark
tomsdigital: Blue footed booby starting a dive
tomsdigital: Blue footed booby diving
tomsdigital: View from the top
tomsdigital: Dolphins for company
tomsdigital: Dolphin
tomsdigital: Dolphin showing off
tomsdigital: Doplphin under water
tomsdigital: Iguana on the rocks
tomsdigital: An American Oyster Catcher
tomsdigital: Iguanas queuing on James Island
tomsdigital: Heron on James Island
tomsdigital: Heron again
tomsdigital: A Brown Pelican keeps an eye on the sea lion
tomsdigital: A Flightless Cormorant dries its wings
tomsdigital: Iguana on the approach
tomsdigital: Iguana
tomsdigital: A cricket / locust
tomsdigital: An Iguana on the lava
tomsdigital: Two Iguanas face off
tomsdigital: Iguana on the approach
tomsdigital: The Iguana surveys the scene
tomsdigital: A lava lizard on the lava at Fernandina
tomsdigital: A Yellow Warbler
tomsdigital: Dome tortoise
tomsdigital: Dome tortoise
tomsdigital: Brown Pelican in flight