tlrobinson: Photo
tlrobinson: Awesome fog over the bay this morning
tlrobinson: Nice sunset in the valley
tlrobinson: Well that sucks. I think I'll try snowboarding today!
tlrobinson: Tiny lizard
tlrobinson: Photo
tlrobinson: Creepy Thai kitty
tlrobinson: Hello Kitty
tlrobinson: Kernel panic :-/
tlrobinson: Attempting to make gingerbread men without cookie cutters. Pretty sure we'll be making gingerbread squares soon.
tlrobinson: Nailed it.
tlrobinson: "I've got another confection to make..." (by the Food Fighters)
tlrobinson: Someone somewhere must be selling old school wire-wrapped circuit boards as artwork.
tlrobinson: Found my CECS senior project. I think it was an audio recorder + playback + NTSC video waveform generator. Wonder if it still works. Wire wrapping FTW.