Wild Yellow Belly:
Zengwen (Tsengwen) Reservoir
Wild Yellow Belly:
Dapu 2
Wild Yellow Belly:
Dapu 1
Wild Yellow Belly:
Red Strap
Wild Yellow Belly:
Waterfall Jumping I
Wild Yellow Belly:
Waterfall jumping II
Wild Yellow Belly:
Wild Yellow Belly:
Wild Yellow Belly:
Cello Man
Wild Yellow Belly:
Spring Scream
Wild Yellow Belly:
Spring Scream II
Wild Yellow Belly:
Guitar Hero
Wild Yellow Belly:
Full house
Wild Yellow Belly:
Spring Scream III
Wild Yellow Belly:
Sun Moon B+W
Wild Yellow Belly:
Wild Yellow Belly:
Shadows II
Wild Yellow Belly:
Wild Yellow Belly:
Joe II
Wild Yellow Belly:
Sun Moon Lake
Wild Yellow Belly:
Wild Yellow Belly:
Pagoda I
Wild Yellow Belly:
Pagoda II
Wild Yellow Belly:
Pagoda III
Wild Yellow Belly:
Pagoda and Trees
Wild Yellow Belly:
southern Cross highway 132
Wild Yellow Belly:
southern Cross highway 126
Wild Yellow Belly:
Tropic of Cancer
Wild Yellow Belly:
southern Cross highway 116 II
Wild Yellow Belly:
southern Cross highway 115