tommyvon: The captain and the TRUTH, Paul Pierce
tommyvon: KG and sam casell
tommyvon: KG and sam casell
tommyvon: john havlicek
tommyvon: i want a tommy point!
tommyvon: james posey and perk
tommyvon: Celtics practice - Tsongas Arena, Lowell, MA
tommyvon: Celtics practice - huddle
tommyvon: celtics practice - Patrick O'Bryant and Leon Powe
tommyvon: celtics practice - sign my ball!
tommyvon: celtics practice - kendrick perkins
tommyvon: brian scalabrine
tommyvon: Leon Powe
tommyvon: Kendrick Perkins
tommyvon: "Big Baby" Glen Davis
tommyvon: Leon Powe, nicest guy in basketball
tommyvon: Brian Scalabrine
tommyvon: Brian Scalabrine
tommyvon: The Tsongas Arena
tommyvon: Kendrick Perkins with the layup
tommyvon: Ray Allen defending Marquis Daniels
tommyvon: everyone crashes
tommyvon: Rajon Rondo and Brian Scalabrine
tommyvon: Kevin Garnett
tommyvon: Kevin Garnett
tommyvon: Eddie House
tommyvon: Eddie House and Paul Pierce
tommyvon: Big Baby Glen Davis entertaining the crowd
tommyvon: Big Baby Glen Davis pointing to a fan
tommyvon: Ray Allen chatting with Mike Sweetney