TommyOshima: るまん℃
TommyOshima: yasuji watanabe
TommyOshima: dies iræ
TommyOshima: abduction
TommyOshima: abre los ojos
TommyOshima: lacrimosa
TommyOshima: heaven's gate
TommyOshima: Traum von Nosferatu
TommyOshima: Masque Arabesque
TommyOshima: Labyrinthos
TommyOshima: she comes with the rain
TommyOshima: elle vient avec la pluie
TommyOshima: "with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly"
TommyOshima: lattice leopard
TommyOshima: 〈九月の町〉
TommyOshima: elysium
TommyOshima: the forbidden colours
TommyOshima: confrontation
TommyOshima: memento
TommyOshima: beyond the boundaries
TommyOshima: abduction II
TommyOshima: ambience
TommyOshima: redemption
TommyOshima: cul de sac
TommyOshima: Il Nome della Rosa
TommyOshima: melancholia
TommyOshima: and she comes with the rain
TommyOshima: Le stade du miroir