tommyajohansson: Nefertiti
tommyajohansson: Wooden sculpture
tommyajohansson: Seated figure of the steward Nemti-hotep
tommyajohansson: Family group of Ptah-mai
tommyajohansson: Chief of the craftsmen Amenemope and his wife Hathor
tommyajohansson: Kneeling figures of two goldsmiths
tommyajohansson: Amarna pavement fragment
tommyajohansson: Tomb panel
tommyajohansson: Praying statue of Tetu
tommyajohansson: Head of queen Tiy with double feather crown
tommyajohansson: Seated figure of Sebeknihotep
tommyajohansson: Osiris and pharaoh
tommyajohansson: Queen Ahmose-Nefertari (deified)
tommyajohansson: Canopic jar
tommyajohansson: The Xanten Youth
tommyajohansson: Gladiator helmet
tommyajohansson: Gladiator stele
tommyajohansson: Gladiator figurine
tommyajohansson: Babylon mosaic
tommyajohansson: The Berlin golden hat
tommyajohansson: Replica Bronze age horns
tommyajohansson: Jewelery
tommyajohansson: The crown of Kerch
tommyajohansson: Alexandrine parakeet mosaic
tommyajohansson: Poseidon