tommyajohansson: Getting close
tommyajohansson: Warehouse
tommyajohansson: Through the doorway
tommyajohansson: Warehouse
tommyajohansson: The John Rylands Library
tommyajohansson: The John Rylands Library
tommyajohansson: The John Rylands Library
tommyajohansson: The John Rylands Library
tommyajohansson: The John Rylands Library
tommyajohansson: The John Rylands Library
tommyajohansson: The John Rylands Library
tommyajohansson: The John Rylands Library
tommyajohansson: Gargoyle
tommyajohansson: Albert Memorial
tommyajohansson: Manchester Town Hall
tommyajohansson: Manchester Town Hall
tommyajohansson: Manchester Town Hall
tommyajohansson: Reflections
tommyajohansson: Chinese gate
tommyajohansson: Chinatown
tommyajohansson: Chinatown
tommyajohansson: Writing desk
tommyajohansson: Chest of drawers and cabinet stand
tommyajohansson: War Horse
tommyajohansson: Imperial War Museum North
tommyajohansson: Pound Bakery
tommyajohansson: Media City
tommyajohansson: Media City