tommyajohansson: The Emperor is leaving
tommyajohansson: Granted his freedom
tommyajohansson: The victors
tommyajohansson: Victorious
tommyajohansson: Victorious
tommyajohansson: Victorious
tommyajohansson: Casting his net
tommyajohansson: Waiting for the Imperial command
tommyajohansson: Camulodunum gladiator
tommyajohansson: Gladiatorial combat
tommyajohansson: Waiting for the Imperial command
tommyajohansson: Battle of the sexes
tommyajohansson: Victorious
tommyajohansson: Waiting for the Imperial command
tommyajohansson: Gladiatorial combat
tommyajohansson: Gladiatorial combat
tommyajohansson: Watching the fight
tommyajohansson: Charon releasing the soul of the fallen combatant
tommyajohansson: Charon releasing the soul of the fallen combatant
tommyajohansson: Defeated
tommyajohansson: Gladiatorial combat
tommyajohansson: Gladiatorial combat
tommyajohansson: Gladiatorial combat
tommyajohansson: Opening ceremonies
tommyajohansson: Opening ceremonies
tommyajohansson: Opening ceremonies
tommyajohansson: The Imperial Guard