mister_tom: What does the map say?
mister_tom: Infamously yellow
mister_tom: Hail to the bus driver
mister_tom: DC! (okay, okay, it's Maryland)
mister_tom: Money shot
mister_tom: Monumental shadow
mister_tom: That's the Washington Memorial, by the way
mister_tom: Just like in the movie
mister_tom: So many
mister_tom: In memory.
mister_tom: White on black
mister_tom: At the WWII Memorial
mister_tom: 1 in 50
mister_tom: Abe's place
mister_tom: Reflection pool
mister_tom: My buddy Abe
mister_tom: Forever is a long time
mister_tom: So much, to so many