Tommi Boy: Just across the street...
Tommi Boy: Sali Harbour
Tommi Boy: Sali Harbour
Tommi Boy: Church on the outskirts of Sali
Tommi Boy: Sunset north of Sali
Tommi Boy: The view from our street again
Tommi Boy: Sali harbour by night
Tommi Boy: Plotting and scheming
Tommi Boy: The Steed
Tommi Boy: Telašćica Nature Park
Tommi Boy: Telašćica Nature Park
Tommi Boy: Telašćica Nature Park
Tommi Boy: The West Coast
Tommi Boy: A little unexpected...
Tommi Boy: Luka
Tommi Boy: Savar
Tommi Boy: Savar
Tommi Boy: Where to?
Tommi Boy: Like the view?
Tommi Boy: Dugi Otok
Tommi Boy: Dugi Otok
Tommi Boy: Pretty nice view!
Tommi Boy: Our Lady of Dumbovica church in Dragove
Tommi Boy: Božava harbour
Tommi Boy: Ripples
Tommi Boy: Veli Rat rocks
Tommi Boy: Soaking the vibe on Veli Rat beach
Tommi Boy: Veli Rat
Tommi Boy: Veli Rat lighthouse
Tommi Boy: Veli Rat lighthouse