Tommer G: Five Minutes More sheet music
Tommer G: Back in the day
Tommer G: Ethel McCann's doll
Tommer G: Pic Quote of the Day (Erin Hanson)
Tommer G: McCall's 1952 - End of a Honeymoon - Illustration by Walter Skor
Tommer G: Petty & Dylan (1986 Rolling Stone)
Tommer G: Palmolive ad
Tommer G: Forever and Ever sheet music (with Dinah Shore)
Tommer G: Doug Knutson - Cyclones
Tommer G: 1977 Iowa State yearbook
Tommer G: Gigi's dolls
Tommer G: In Style cover (Carly Simon)
Tommer G: I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now sheet music
Tommer G: O.B. McClinton playing card
Tommer G: Dottie West playing card
Tommer G: Barbara Mandrell playing card
Tommer G: Porte lumière Syrène, Musée du Louvre by Carle DeLange (1862)
Tommer G: Painting from Our British Landscape Painters (1872) (NYPL)
Tommer G: Portrait of Emilio Terry by Salvador Dali (NYPL)
Tommer G: Howe sewing machines ad
Tommer G: Ayer's Sarsaparilla ad (NYPL)
Tommer G: Whitman's chocolate poster (NYPL)
Tommer G: Arrow collars - Cluett shirts ad (NYPL)
Tommer G: Louis Vuitton ad (2017)
Tommer G: Pantene ad (2017)
Tommer G: Prost!
Tommer G: Starburst ad (2017)
Tommer G: Phew! Me too!
Tommer G: Very Busy Barbie book ( 1993)
Tommer G: 1952 Ford - prizes contest