Tommer G: Ringo Starr - Rolling Stone Magazine - Mark Seliger photographer
Tommer G: Photgraph by Charles Farrell (from the book Tobe)
Tommer G: Iowa Braille And Sight Saving School brochure
Tommer G: James Dean
Tommer G: Old time Easter decoration
Tommer G: Old time Easter decorations 2
Tommer G: Old time Easter decorations 3
Tommer G: Old time Easter decorations 4
Tommer G: Old time Easter decorations 5
Tommer G: Old time Easter decorations 6
Tommer G: Old time Easter decorations 7
Tommer G: Belated Birthday card
Tommer G: Star Trek Christmas card
Tommer G: Time covers
Tommer G: Obama - Putin (Time Magazine Person of the Year)
Tommer G: Captain Kirk greeting card (front)
Tommer G: Captain Kirk greeting card (inside)
Tommer G: Captain Kirk greeting card (back)
Tommer G: George Harrison - Peace
Tommer G: George Harrison - Time Magazine cover
Tommer G: Ricky Nelson
Tommer G: Donovan
Tommer G: Some early rock n roll band... but I like them
Tommer G: American Gothic parodies (Life Magazine 1983)
Tommer G: American Gothic parodies 2 (Life Magazine 1983)
Tommer G: Grant Wood - American Gothic painting
Tommer G: Grant Wood self-portrait (1932)
Tommer G: Life Magazine 1983 (American Gothic parody)
Tommer G: Nan Wood - Eldon Iowa (Life Magazine 1983)
Tommer G: Reminisce Magazine (Mar 2014 - The Beatles - A really big show tonight)