tomleech: Bub - "Apparently he was in the military! Return the salute! See what he does!"
tomleech: "Oh my God. Look at this f***ing clown. Of course. It had to be a clown."
tomleech: "They're coming to get you, Barbara!"
tomleech: "That's the second album I ever bought!"
tomleech: Hare Krishna Zombie
tomleech: "Six people left in the world and one of them is Bill f***ing Murray! I know that's not your middle name."
tomleech: "There's a girl in the garden..."
tomleech: "For no mere mortal can resist the evil of the Thriller!"
tomleech: Torn Shirt Zombie
tomleech: Builder Zombie
tomleech: Guts Zombie
tomleech: "Ooh, he's got an arm off!"