teks: warming up
teks: tai-tō
teks: sankyo
teks: kendo no kata, sanponme
teks: standing like a mountain
teks: shoto middle guard
teks: meditation before practice
teks: everyone in jigeiko
teks: target dummy
teks: more jigeiko
teks: "Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can imagine . . . "
teks: on the fence
teks: dashing forward
teks: kendo, this way!
teks: Hooper-sensei et al
teks: not quite regulation
teks: warming up
teks: game face
teks: and in the bullpen . . .
teks: believe it or not, they weren't going full speed
teks: he hits do a lot
teks: not quite everyone
teks: team doshikai
teks: shinai for sale
teks: becoming the red team
teks: reiho
teks: sankyo
teks: shiai
teks: almost kote
teks: I think it might be sam