Tom Kirkman: Bologna 2023-2492
Tom Kirkman: Palermp Spritz-1538
Tom Kirkman: Palermo Trip 2023 Grilling-1600
Tom Kirkman: IMG_0457
Tom Kirkman: Tomato 1-1
Tom Kirkman: Steak 18-1
Tom Kirkman: Scallop with Coconut Sauce-1
Tom Kirkman: DSC_5358
Tom Kirkman: Pomegranate
Tom Kirkman: Asparagus
Tom Kirkman: DSC_1117
Tom Kirkman: New Year's Eve 2009-0106-Edit
Tom Kirkman: Uni with Seaweed
Tom Kirkman: Uni with Seaweed
Tom Kirkman: 20120426-DSC_4686
Tom Kirkman: 20111006-DSC_0132
Tom Kirkman: Abalone
Tom Kirkman: Chef Theresa Eriksson
Tom Kirkman: Cherokee Farm Bison Carpaccio with Pea Vines, Pickled Mushrooms, Crispy Shallots, Brioche Croutons, and Dunbarton Blue Cheese
Tom Kirkman: Andalusian Tomato and Bread Soup w/ Cucumber, Carabinero Shrimp and Olive oil
Tom Kirkman: Beef Tartare with Shiso and Tonburi
Tom Kirkman: Vichyssoise with Smoked Trout Roe, Dill and Egg Yolk
Tom Kirkman: Slow-Roasted Beef Brisket with Grilled Cantaloupe and Prosciutto
Tom Kirkman: Seared Buffalo Tenderloin–Wrapped Point Reyes Blue Cheese
Tom Kirkman: Sterling Caviar with Crème Fraîche Parfait, Egg Pappardelle, and Lemon on Brioche
Tom Kirkman: Liquid Chicken with Porcini, Everona Dairy Cheese, and Périgord Truffles