Antropoturista: History at your feet
Antropoturista: Dwarf Window
Antropoturista: 1241 - Bang! Boing! Zack!
Antropoturista: 1242 - Under Magdeburg Rules
Antropoturista: Lion: 1335 - Wrocslaw
Antropoturista: Eagle: 1526 - Bresslaw
Antropoturista: Coat of Arms: 1530
Antropoturista: Thirty Years' War: Atrocities in the name of Christianism
Antropoturista: 1702: Foundation of Wroclaw University
Antropoturista: 1741: Bresslau part of Prussia
Antropoturista: 1793: 2nd partition of Poland
Antropoturista: 1807: Prince Jérôme Bonaparte takes Breslau
Antropoturista: 1842: Chouchououou!
Antropoturista: 1913: Centennial Hall
Antropoturista: 1945: Festung Breslau
Antropoturista: 1980-82: Foundation of Solidarnosc
Antropoturista: May 1997: Eucharistic Congress with Pope John Paul II
Antropoturista: July 1997: Floods
Antropoturista: The finest bike rack ever!
Antropoturista: How to use the bike rack
Antropoturista: Naked Local Swordsman
Antropoturista: At a second glance ...
Antropoturista: Contextualising
Antropoturista: Time Travel
Antropoturista: Meridian
Antropoturista: Prof. Gnom, I suppose?
Antropoturista: "Dad, can I wear skirts too?"
Antropoturista: She took our picture!
Antropoturista: Competing with the old