Antropoturista: A path through Leer...
Antropoturista: It says: This Church is a monument
Antropoturista: Where the church door clicks in...
Antropoturista: I never thought this would be necessary...
Antropoturista: Equilibrium & Symetry
Antropoturista: Grey perspective
Antropoturista: BMW Bike, this way =>
Antropoturista: On our bikes!
Antropoturista: Observer
Antropoturista: Là vai, là vai, là vai!
Antropoturista: Competition
Antropoturista: Under my feet...
Antropoturista: Cheesy action...
Antropoturista: Healthy mixture
Antropoturista: Growing wild-ish
Antropoturista: Say it with flowers
Antropoturista: Poetry until after the end
Antropoturista: Nomen est omen
Antropoturista: There is an angel at my grave
Antropoturista: Child's grave
Antropoturista: Eternal Love
Antropoturista: Rambling nature
Antropoturista: Missed the bin
Antropoturista: Harbour Museum in Leer
Antropoturista: With view on the harbour
Antropoturista: Old Schipper meeting in Leer