Antropoturista: Potemkin's Façade
Antropoturista: Second Look
Antropoturista: Transformation
Antropoturista: Old & New
Antropoturista: Give me a call!
Antropoturista: You are being filmed!
Antropoturista: We are the world!
Antropoturista: Flyers crossing?
Antropoturista: Traditional outfit
Antropoturista: Turkish Bath in Tibilissi
Antropoturista: Relaxing in the shade
Antropoturista: Does it ring a bell?
Antropoturista: No out, no in!
Antropoturista: I lost my heart...
Antropoturista: Talking to whom?
Antropoturista: Poetic pavement
Antropoturista: Where the young and the beautiful meet in Tibilissi...
Antropoturista: Café Tram
Antropoturista: A toast!
Antropoturista: A poet ?
Antropoturista: Representation of Authority
Antropoturista: Too short!
Antropoturista: Broken power
Antropoturista: Prehistoric Female tomb
Antropoturista: Odd couple
Antropoturista: Odd couples
Antropoturista: Framed odd couple
Antropoturista: Tourist information
Antropoturista: Living room