tomhouslay: A departing curlew
tomhouslay: "He went that way"
tomhouslay: Curlew pair
tomhouslay: Curlew
tomhouslay: Wandering caterpillar
tomhouslay: Curious caterpillar
tomhouslay: Caterpillar macro
tomhouslay: Red admiral soaks up the sun
tomhouslay: Death from above
tomhouslay: Noisy neighbours
tomhouslay: Mid-air greenfinch battle
tomhouslay: Frumpy goldfinch
tomhouslay: Great tit shows agility
tomhouslay: Goldfinch crunching away
tomhouslay: Greenfinch battle
tomhouslay: Coal tit grabs a seed
tomhouslay: Pensive goldfinch
tomhouslay: Tree fungus
tomhouslay: Structure
tomhouslay: Common darter
tomhouslay: Common darter eye view
tomhouslay: Birch shield bug makes his escape
tomhouslay: Birch shield bug
tomhouslay: Millipede
tomhouslay: Fungi
tomhouslay: #GOOSEWATCH!
tomhouslay: Whooper swans