tomhouslay: Slug
tomhouslay: P1030180
tomhouslay: P1030224
tomhouslay: Hopper in profile
tomhouslay: Hopper portrait
tomhouslay: Pollinating bee
tomhouslay: Tiny beetle
tomhouslay: Tiny insect
tomhouslay: Fly
tomhouslay: Teeny tiny fly
tomhouslay: Fly mating
tomhouslay: Fly mating [male in focus]
tomhouslay: Fly mating [female in focus]
tomhouslay: Weird horned insect
tomhouslay: Cricket portrait
tomhouslay: Mounting
tomhouslay: Female with attached spermatophore
tomhouslay: Female with spermatophore
tomhouslay: Dismount after mating
tomhouslay: Focus on spermatophore
tomhouslay: P1100272
tomhouslay: P1100077
tomhouslay: P1100076
tomhouslay: P1100075_edit
tomhouslay: P1100073
tomhouslay: P1100071
tomhouslay: P1100041_crop
tomhouslay: P1100036
tomhouslay: Mandibles
tomhouslay: Male gryllodes sigillatus calling