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Burning Man )'( 2014 by Tom Holz
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Tom Holz
it's boring
Tom Holz
the man, standing
Tom Holz
the man in the dust
Tom Holz
getting there
Tom Holz
en route to burning man
Tom Holz
welcome to our camp!
Tom Holz
the guys
Tom Holz
the girl
Tom Holz
the bigfoot
Tom Holz
boots, aprés deluge
Tom Holz
bigfoot ready for rain
Tom Holz
home sweet shade
Tom Holz
at the end of the week
Tom Holz
life in our shade
Tom Holz
planning the day
Tom Holz
our neighbors taking a rest
Tom Holz
souk perimiter
Tom Holz
salty cucumbers
Tom Holz
sleeping burner
Tom Holz
breakfast of burners
Tom Holz
bigfoot at burning man
Tom Holz
a family traveling by zebracorn
Tom Holz
the volcano slide
Tom Holz
an art
Tom Holz
le alien siege machine
Tom Holz
italian ice man duo + crowd
Tom Holz
embrace exterior
Tom Holz
embrace interior
Tom Holz
embrace male cranium
Tom Holz
embrace burning
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