Tom Heisey: Step 1 of the DSLR cooler
Tom Heisey: Version 2 of the cooler (insulation inside)
Tom Heisey: Inner fan and cooling plate
Tom Heisey: Inner heat sink
Tom Heisey: External fan mounting
Tom Heisey: A side view of the cooling unit
Tom Heisey: Running last test before installation
Tom Heisey: Back hole in the box
Tom Heisey: 2011-09-05_21-11-18_205
Tom Heisey: The inner fan & heatsink in place
Tom Heisey: Final assembly
Tom Heisey: Electronics and cooler external
Tom Heisey: Version 2 front view
Tom Heisey: NGC869, part of the DOUBLE CLUSTER
Tom Heisey: M57 NO FAN_LIGHT_150s_1600iso_20110828-03h37m22s208
Tom Heisey: ALBIREO 300s_800iso_20110828-03h28m36s217