djtomdog: heading into the tunnel from the Italian to the Austrian Alps
djtomdog: Me and Bjarne Riis
djtomdog: Me and Rik Verbrugge
djtomdog: when I got to Frankfurt I got some of that crazy euro money
djtomdog: landed in Torino with vestiges of the Olympics all around
djtomdog: the Piazza San Carlo, Torino, May 19th, 2006
djtomdog: typical Torino street, near the Via Roma, May 19th
djtomdog: the Palazzo Madama at the Piazza Castello in Torino, May 19th
djtomdog: the Emperor Augustus in front of the Roman Porta Palatina in Torino, May 19th
djtomdog: a procession in the Piazza Castello, Torino, May 20th, 2006
djtomdog: classic Torino banner
djtomdog: the Cappella della Sacra Sindone in the Duomo, Torino, May 20th, 2006
djtomdog: the Duomo in the Piazza San Giovanni, Torino, May 20th, 2006
djtomdog: a Bicerìn, Torino, May 20th, 2006
djtomdog: looking toward the Italian Alps from the Roman Forum in the town of Aosta
djtomdog: view of the Italian Alps from the Roman Forum in the town of Aosta
djtomdog: ruins of the Roman Ampitheater in Aosta
djtomdog: typical street in Aosta, lot's of good cooking smells and cool little shops
djtomdog: statue of unknown saint, town of Aosta, Italy
djtomdog: downtown Domodossola, Italian Alps
djtomdog: the Alps loom over Domodossola
djtomdog: the Alps loom over Domodossola
djtomdog: the view exiting the train station in Venice
djtomdog: on the Grand Canal in Venice
djtomdog: the Rialto Bridge, Venice
djtomdog: the Santa Maria della Salute, Venice
djtomdog: my (15th century) hotel room in Venice, it did have modern amenities
djtomdog: this is one of the views from my hotel room, overlooking the Rio del Palazzo canal, Venice
djtomdog: this was the view from my complete-with-massaging-jets bathtub in Venice
djtomdog: view of the Grand Canal from the Rialto Bridge