(FLAVIO): leonard ZX
JK Brickworks: Micro Ghost Falcon
Aströpunk: MoC Month Madness Day 4: Terraforming plant Sigma 17
mediocrelego: LS344 "Julia III"
mediocrelego: LS3300 "Aeliad II"
Ben Bland: IMG_7414-7416-HDR_e1
Ben Bland: IMG_8799_e1
pnelepone: DSC_0870 Stag Beetle
knowtheory: Golden Gate
Giant Hamburger: the world's not so secret message
Jason Arber: Farhanah
cutangus: German Lunar scout rocket vehicle
Ochre Jelly: Fluttershy
Ochre Jelly: Beyond the Brick - Kickstarter rewards
vriad_lee: dubr_v_swin_gr7
Ben Bland: IMG_3007
jiggott: Buffalo Bill's hot date
SparkyLeigh: Volcano Goddess Pele (Pay-lay) Abstract
SparkyLeigh: The Earth Is Alive
CrackedClay: wood fired Teapot
Orange Steeler: Brick Filled Window
Dom May 07: Tombland Alley
Rouvelee's Creations: Isa's Toothless / Night Fury Cake
Pierre E Fieschi: POLI (Polymodal Lifter)
legosamurai: Micro launch
legosamurai: The Limie Spire - Zip Racer
Adrian Florea: F09 Stargazer model B
NASA HQ PHOTO: STS-125 Atlantis Solar Transit (200905120001HQ) (explored)