tom.belte: flat light
tom.belte: campion house
tom.belte: Coney Green House
tom.belte: Pylon
tom.belte: Home. Sweet. Home.
tom.belte: church
tom.belte: bird life in West Heath
tom.belte: Rain Train
tom.belte: Asphalt.
tom.belte: Lunch in Cannon Hill
tom.belte: an annoying moment
tom.belte: Lionel Street underpass
tom.belte: steps to the underpass
tom.belte: mirror
tom.belte: Coney Green House
tom.belte: Train home to Longbridge Station
tom.belte: sound desk
tom.belte: shadows and exit
tom.belte: statue
tom.belte: the city is...
tom.belte: Beetham tower in Birmingham
tom.belte: falling through the custard factory
tom.belte: no climbing on the pylon
tom.belte: morning reflection
tom.belte: 28 Fazeley Street, Digbeth
tom.belte: afternoon light
tom.belte: Soho Hill Subway
tom.belte: Sub Step
tom.belte: office block
tom.belte: Parkdale Drive Park - B31