Tom Baylis: three hundred and forty nine
Tom Baylis: three hundred and fifty
Tom Baylis: Naushki (?)
Tom Baylis: Lake Baikal
Tom Baylis: Snickarglädje
Tom Baylis: Window and door, Listvyanka
Tom Baylis: Boat, Listvyanka
Tom Baylis: Aparatment building, Irkutsk
Tom Baylis: Street, Irkutsk
Tom Baylis: Ленина
Tom Baylis: Okhlopkov Drama Theatre
Tom Baylis: Timber building, Irkutsk
Tom Baylis: Old building, Irkutsk
Tom Baylis: three hundred and fifty one
Tom Baylis: three hundred and fifty two
Tom Baylis: three hundred and fifty three
Tom Baylis: three hundred and fifty four
Tom Baylis: three hundred and fifty five
Tom Baylis: Moscow metro
Tom Baylis: Lenin's Mausoleum
Tom Baylis: Red Square, looking towards the Kremlin
Tom Baylis: S:t Basil's cathedral
Tom Baylis: Roof in S:t Basil's cathedral
Tom Baylis: Prospekt Mira
Tom Baylis: Details in Prospekt Mira
Tom Baylis: Column, Prospekt Mira
Tom Baylis: Waiting, Prospekt Mira
Tom Baylis: three hundred and fifty six