Tom Baylis: one hundred and seventy four
Tom Baylis: one hundred and seventy five
Tom Baylis: one hundred and seventy six
Tom Baylis: one hundred and seventy seven
Tom Baylis: one hundred and seventy eight
Tom Baylis: one hundred and seventy nine
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty one
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty two
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty three
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty four
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty five
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty six
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty seven
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty eight
Tom Baylis: one hundred and eighty nine
Tom Baylis: El Nido, at low tide
Tom Baylis: Break in Roxas
Tom Baylis: Divers lunch
Tom Baylis: Lunch beach
Tom Baylis: Lunch on the beach
Tom Baylis: Looking out from Corong corong beach
Tom Baylis: Jeepney
Tom Baylis: Beach