tomba 06: Heading North - Cows crossing
tomba 06: Mr.J
tomba 06: Wha?
tomba 06: Tight
tomba 06: SuperRoo
tomba 06: Heavy Reunion
tomba 06: Did I win?
tomba 06: Mr and Mrs Johnson
tomba 06: Hangover cure
tomba 06: Lakes scene 2
tomba 06: Lakes scene
tomba 06: Collins reaches for the summit
tomba 06: Peaking
tomba 06: The sound of music - Lakes style 2
tomba 06: The sound of music - Lakes style
tomba 06: Tom on top
tomba 06: Scotch action
tomba 06: Through to Bassenthwaite
tomba 06: Up to Sail Fell
tomba 06: Bassenthwaite and the Pheasant
tomba 06: Down from Sail Fell
tomba 06: Back of the Landie
tomba 06: Fire action
tomba 06: Heating up
tomba 06: Bonfire scene
tomba 06: Sparkler antics
tomba 06: Sparkarama
tomba 06: Sparking up