tomas.restrepo: IMG_0666
tomas.restrepo: Lina and Tomas in front of sculpture
tomas.restrepo: Sculpture in the plaza
tomas.restrepo: Lina in with Prometheus in the back
tomas.restrepo: Prometheus in the plaza
tomas.restrepo: Lina and Tomas in Rockefeller Center
tomas.restrepo: Wisdom in Rockefeller Center
tomas.restrepo: IMG_0658
tomas.restrepo: IMG_0657
tomas.restrepo: IMG_0656
tomas.restrepo: Rockefeller Center Plaza from behind Prometheus
tomas.restrepo: IMG_0654
tomas.restrepo: Rockefeller Center Plaza
tomas.restrepo: Rockefeller Center Plaza with Prometheus
tomas.restrepo: G.E. Building at Rockefeller Center
tomas.restrepo: Atlas statue at Rockefeller Center
tomas.restrepo: Lina at the Channel Gardens
tomas.restrepo: Lina and Tomas at the Channel Gardens
tomas.restrepo: IMG_0670
tomas.restrepo: Prometheus Sculpture
tomas.restrepo: IMG_0892
tomas.restrepo: Fountain in Channel Gardens
tomas.restrepo: Winged Mercury on Rockefeller Plaza
tomas.restrepo: IMG_0895
tomas.restrepo: IMG_0896
tomas.restrepo: Lina and Tomas in Channel Gardens
tomas.restrepo: Mural inside NBC studios
tomas.restrepo: Tomas in front of sculpture