thom kane: IMG_8902.jpg
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thom kane: 20140829-IMG_6650.jpg
thom kane: 20140829-IMG_6527.jpg
thom kane: 20140813-IMG_5994.jpg
thom kane: 20140813-IMG_5988.jpg
thom kane: 20140813-IMG_5942.jpg
thom kane: 20140813-IMG_5912.jpg
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thom kane: 20130905-IMG_9903.jpg
thom kane: 20130902-South of Cache Creek - Pole-9897.jpg
thom kane: 20130526-IMG_5078.jpg
thom kane: 20120524-Bright Rose.jpg
thom kane: 20120411-IMG_5202.jpg
thom kane: 20120407-IMG_4975.jpg
thom kane: 20111005-brushes colours_2802_edited-1.jpg
thom kane: 20110509-P1100383.jpg
thom kane: 20120430-slanted-tree-at-dawn-chapala.jpg
thom kane: 20100622-red_rocks_tree_bryce_for_web.jpg
thom kane: 20100221-rose_on_wall_stow_on_kent_cropped.jpg
thom kane: 20030801-flower_among_the_stones.jpg
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thom kane: 20140813-IMG_5935.jpg
thom kane: "What do I do with this?"
thom kane: garden flowers
thom kane: Signs of Spring 4
thom kane: Signs of Spring 3
thom kane: Signs of Spring 2
thom kane: Signs of Spring 1
thom kane: Signs of Spring 4