Th0masSkinner: Mountain Conquered.
Th0masSkinner: Looking at a book because the view ain't good enough
Th0masSkinner: The Dalrymple children
Th0masSkinner: Rory apparently playing the airdrums, midair.
Th0masSkinner: Rory appreciating having a photo take of him in his best outfit
Th0masSkinner: Sunrise in Turkey
Th0masSkinner: EastMeetsWest (the boat we hired) in a blissful bay somewhere in Turkey.... the small things in life!
Th0masSkinner: Cal getting snappy at me
Th0masSkinner: Hussain takes the girls for a spin
Th0masSkinner: Cal with no legs
Th0masSkinner: Me on a jetski in the sun with a girl on the back, a glimpse of a perfect world in which nice things happen to me
Th0masSkinner: Me on a jetski in the sun with a girl on the back, a glimpse of a perfect world in which nice things happen to me