Weathering a storm: Candy at the show.
Weathering a storm: Candy at the show.
Weathering a storm: With Candy & Sunny to the VanTICA show in June 2015
Weathering a storm: With Candy & Sunny to the VanTICA show in June 2015
Weathering a storm: With Candy & Sunny to the VanTICA show in June 2015
Weathering a storm: With Candy & Sunny to the VanTICA show in June 2015
Weathering a storm: With Candy & Sunny to the VanTICA show in June 2015
Weathering a storm: With Candy & Sunny to the VanTICA show in June 2015
Weathering a storm: DSC_8526
Weathering a storm: DSC_8534
Weathering a storm: DSC_8538
Weathering a storm: DSC_8539
Weathering a storm: DSC_8543
Weathering a storm: DSC_8554
Weathering a storm: Candy Cane
Weathering a storm: Candy Cane
Weathering a storm: Candy Cane
Weathering a storm: Candy Cane
Weathering a storm: Candy Cane
Weathering a storm: Candy Cane
Weathering a storm: Candy Cane