tokyofoodcast: 1. Jug of moromi or mash 3 days into fermentation
tokyofoodcast: Moromi or mash 3 days into fermentation
tokyofoodcast: Ginza Rice Sake: Ingredients
tokyofoodcast: Koji rice
tokyofoodcast: Rice and koji
tokyofoodcast: 2. Rice off the steamer
tokyofoodcast: 3. Hourei-cooling steamed rice
tokyofoodcast: Hakutsurunishiki Rice from Ginza and Kobe
tokyofoodcast: koji rice
tokyofoodcast: 4. Te-chan and teeny kai-ire
tokyofoodcast: Tome (4th day) work is all done
tokyofoodcast: bento dinner after sake making on 4/11
tokyofoodcast: Bento dinner after sake making
tokyofoodcast: Hakutsuru sake
tokyofoodcast: Dinner on 4/11 after hard work of sake making...
tokyofoodcast: Ginza sake: kasu in a bottle
tokyofoodcast: My obsession:centrifuge
tokyofoodcast: 5. after pressing sake or spinning sake
tokyofoodcast: We made Ginza Rice Sake! -after going through spin in the centrifuge
tokyofoodcast: 7.Ginza sake, sort of filtering
tokyofoodcast: 8. Ginza sake we made vs real Ginjo and Junmai from Hakutsuru
tokyofoodcast: Ginza sake and salad+dinner
tokyofoodcast: one glass of Hakutsuru sake in Euro
tokyofoodcast: Sake making data
tokyofoodcast: Hakutsuru Fujiki Toji
tokyofoodcast: Hakutsuru 3/14 Nadaman Bento with sake
tokyofoodcast: DSCF0014
tokyofoodcast: Hakutsuru 3/14 market research