toivo: We only did 5km of that climb
toivo: These guys decided to do the 5km uphill run
toivo: Tour de France, sponsor circus
toivo: Tour de France - final meters to top
toivo: Tour de France, you can see he has just climbed 20km and has last 50m to go til peak
toivo: this was what we woke up to every morning. find the people scaling it..
toivo: tourists
toivo: trails were much like in EE, except for the stones, stones stones. and the 3rd dimension (vertical)
toivo: downhill track
toivo: downhill track
toivo: downhill track
toivo: downhill trail
toivo: Deerspotting
toivo: not my favourite obstacle. however they did not allow me to sneak past it
toivo: much to disappointment of videographer I did not fall (on this one)
toivo: hike-a-bike
toivo: hike-a-bike
toivo: Altitude Adventure
toivo: Henn getting friendly with locals
toivo: downhill track
toivo: leaving for the Wedn ride
toivo: All good so far
toivo: Henn checking out the icecream
toivo: Ian, yes he did get tired fast :)
toivo: DSC03470
toivo: This is how it looked just before henn tripped his bike
toivo: Henn takes time to do some bleeding after hitting the ground
toivo: Wedn dinner
toivo: Wedn dinner
toivo: Via Ferrata at Llo - view down