tofuguns: Kirby Krackle & a Blue Lantern regulatin' fools at ECCC10.
tofuguns: Blue Lantern needs fuel. Sushi Fuel.
tofuguns: Black Spider-Man and Dr. Doom. Crush You.
tofuguns: Dr. Stephen Strange - Sorcerer Supreme.
tofuguns: Believe It Or Not. I'm Walking On Air.
tofuguns: Green Lantern & Blue Lantern. Fierce.
tofuguns: Green Lantern & Blue Lantern at ECCC10
tofuguns: Piccolo. Dragonball Z.
tofuguns: Brubaker. Bendis. Fraction. Mondo Marvel.
tofuguns: Mondo Marvel.
tofuguns: Carter and Geoff Johns
tofuguns: Ben Templesmith.
tofuguns: Matt Fraction.
tofuguns: Art!
tofuguns: Mark Waid and a Blue Lantern
tofuguns: Lady Bullseye - ECCC10
tofuguns: Lady Bullseye Hearts Captain.
tofuguns: Starbucks? It's that way.
tofuguns: Super Hero. ECCC10.
tofuguns: The Traveling Nerdburys. Rockit.
tofuguns: Michael Alan Nelson. Prawn Hater.
tofuguns: Joe Quesada. Prawn Lover!
tofuguns: Greg. Studio JFish. Representing PDX.
tofuguns: Robin. Fishnets. Killer.
tofuguns: Prawn and Chimpanzee. Take over the world.
tofuguns: Mandalorian Armour. Emerald City Comic Con.
tofuguns: Don't Point That Thing At Me.
tofuguns: Fraction. Thinkin.
tofuguns: The Big 3.
tofuguns: Angus Oblong. Clown.