tofuguns: Mark Waid getting interviewed at the Boom Studios booth
tofuguns: Boom Backs
tofuguns: Tony Parker Boom Studios Artist For Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
tofuguns: Boom Studios Banner
tofuguns: Ed - Michael Alan Nelson - Carter at the Boom Studios booth - SDCC
tofuguns: Mark Waid is not nearly as evil as Boom Studios would have you believe
tofuguns: Cthulhu books are Carter's thing.
tofuguns: Zombie Carter reading Cthulhu Tales from Boom Studios
tofuguns: Zombie Carter reading Cthulhu Tales from Boom Studios
tofuguns: Carter Getting Zombified at the Boom! Studios Booth
tofuguns: Carter and I had a bit of a haul from Comic Con
tofuguns: Zombie working the Boom Studios Booth
tofuguns: Zombie Carter
tofuguns: Stuart Immonen at the Emerald City Comic-Con 2009
tofuguns: Mark Waid and a Blue Lantern
tofuguns: Michael Alan Nelson. For the kids.
tofuguns: Ross Richie. For the kids.
tofuguns: Michael Alan Nelson. Prawn Hater.
tofuguns: Michael Alan Nelson at WonderCon
tofuguns: Ross Richie.