etgeek (Eric): DSC_0019
etgeek (Eric): DSC_0031
etgeek (Eric): DSC_0011
etgeek (Eric): DSC_0008
etgeek (Eric): DSC_0027
etgeek (Eric): Freak hail storms!!
etgeek (Eric): Calm Before the Storm
etgeek (Eric): Reaching out from the clouds with warmth.
etgeek (Eric): Beyond the horizon...
etgeek (Eric): Sacramento Sky..
etgeek (Eric): Texan Fork
etgeek (Eric): Cool cloud !!
etgeek (Eric): Cool cloud !!
etgeek (Eric): Cool cloud !!
etgeek (Eric): A cloud, inside of a cloud !!!
etgeek (Eric): Spring storm over water treatment plant
etgeek (Eric): Active Doppler Radar (in June?)
etgeek (Eric): Got it !!!
etgeek (Eric): Cloud to Cloud Lightning, seen from 10K feet!
etgeek (Eric): Hole punch cloud..
etgeek (Eric): September 1st. Sunset
etgeek (Eric): Parhelion (Sundog)
etgeek (Eric): How to beat the heat