Geoff Coe: 2014 OJ's Hud poster presentaion to Giff
Geoff Coe: 2014 Crow reunion- OJ giving Giff the Hud poster signed by the brothers
Geoff Coe: 2014 Alumni Weekend- Crow House
Geoff Coe: 2014 AXP row house Alumni Weekend
Geoff Coe: 2014 Crow reunion- the boys of '74 on the townhouse porch
Geoff Coe: In exciting "Rock/Paper/Scissors" action...
Geoff Coe: Jim leading the lunch meeting
Geoff Coe: Jim and Hector
Geoff Coe: Lunch meeting
Geoff Coe: Hector
Geoff Coe: Outside the old Admissions building
Geoff Coe: Steve Berk, Dave Menzie
Geoff Coe: Group photo
Geoff Coe: "...Far surpassing wealth unspoken..."
Geoff Coe: "...formed in Alpha Chi..."
Geoff Coe: "Our strong band shall ne'er be broken..."
Geoff Coe: "Sealed by friendship's tie!"
Geoff Coe: Crows flock (c8849)
Geoff Coe: MannSandwich Redux
Geoff Coe: Scout,Nick,Gifford,Torch
Geoff Coe: Crows flock to old AXP house
Geoff Coe: Friends
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