Geoff Coe: Great Blue Heron at sunrise
Geoff Coe: Snowy Skimming
Geoff Coe: Female Red-winged Blackbird, Viera Wetlands
Geoff Coe: American Coot
Geoff Coe: Glossy Ibis
Geoff Coe: Snowy Egret in flight over water
Geoff Coe: Moorhen in motion
Geoff Coe: American Coot, redux
Geoff Coe: Fishin' contest
Geoff Coe: Blue Winged Teals
Geoff Coe: Great Blue Heron with hawk-like tendencies
Geoff Coe: Great Blue Heron and nesting material
Geoff Coe: Red Shouldered Hawk on Snag, Viera Wetlands
Geoff Coe: Cattle Egret in flight, Viera Wetlands
Geoff Coe: Male Anhinga preening, Viera Wetlands
Geoff Coe: Grackle on perch, Viera Wetlands
Geoff Coe: Stick, ho!