Geoff Coe: "What's that I hear?"
Geoff Coe: Willet and Greater Yellowlegs
Geoff Coe: Snowy Egret takeoff
Geoff Coe: IMG_0907
Geoff Coe: Great Egret in flight
Geoff Coe: Yellow Crowned Night Heron (immature)
Geoff Coe: Fluffin' up
Geoff Coe: Full-tilt boogie!
Geoff Coe: Ding Darling NWR
Geoff Coe: Least Tern
Geoff Coe: Least Tern (and minnow)
Geoff Coe: Brown Pelican
Geoff Coe: Belted Kingfisher (female)
Geoff Coe: Aloft at last!
Geoff Coe: Wings
Geoff Coe: Spoonbill on a perch
Geoff Coe: Cormorant
Geoff Coe: Snowy in Flight
Geoff Coe: Snowy Swooping
Geoff Coe: Pokin' around
Geoff Coe: Reddish Egret
Geoff Coe: Little Blue Heron (1st summer)
Geoff Coe: Great Egret
Geoff Coe: Little Blue Heron (1st summer)
Geoff Coe: Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Geoff Coe: Photo by Subaru!
Geoff Coe: Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Geoff Coe: Upstaged!
Geoff Coe: Yellow Crowned Night Heron
Geoff Coe: Got yer back!