Geoff Coe: Black Vulture
Geoff Coe: Solitary
Geoff Coe: Trying his Wings
Geoff Coe: Osprey, Lakes Park
Geoff Coe: IMG_7158
Geoff Coe: White Ibis, Lakes Park
Geoff Coe: Wings Over Water
Geoff Coe: Common Moorhen
Geoff Coe: Red Bellied Woodpecker
Geoff Coe: Beauty by the Lake
Geoff Coe: Boat tailed grackle
Geoff Coe: Cattle Egret
Geoff Coe: Little Blue Herons
Geoff Coe: Cormorant taking flight
Geoff Coe: Air-obics!
Geoff Coe: April Fools' poster
Geoff Coe: Little Blue Heron in breeding plumage
Geoff Coe: Things to do while waiting for the tow truck (I)
Geoff Coe: Things to do while waiting for the tow truck (II)
Geoff Coe: Proud Old Bird
Geoff Coe: anhinga
Geoff Coe: Spiny
Geoff Coe: Lotus, Lakes Park
Geoff Coe: Water Lily
Geoff Coe: About to strike
Geoff Coe: Sandwich Tern
Geoff Coe: Egret Landing
Geoff Coe: Showy Snowys
Geoff Coe: 90-degree descent
Geoff Coe: Regal