Todd Boland:
Buff-tailed Coronet
Todd Boland:
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird
Todd Boland:
Channel-billed Trogon
Todd Boland:
Mountain view of Quito
Todd Boland:
Amazon Rainbow
Todd Boland:
Cotapaxi Volcano near Quito
Todd Boland:
Brunfelsia australis
Todd Boland:
Waterfall on the Mindo Lodge Trail
Todd Boland:
Mindo lodge view: after the storm
Todd Boland:
Sobralia rosea
Todd Boland:
Maxillaria species
Todd Boland:
Papallacta Pass, Ecuador
Todd Boland:
Neon Wings
Todd Boland:
Ecuadorian butterfly
Todd Boland:
Heliconid butterfly on Lantana
Todd Boland:
Funky Weevil
Todd Boland:
Tropical Click-Beetle
Todd Boland:
Ecuadorian Sphinx Moth
Todd Boland:
Handsome Fellow!
Todd Boland:
Coastline along Espanola Island, Galapagos
Todd Boland:
Epidendrum nocturnum
Todd Boland:
Sobralia species
Todd Boland:
Crytochilum serratum
Todd Boland:
Teeny-tiny frog!
Todd Boland:
Tibouchina mollis
Todd Boland:
Monnina crassifolia
Todd Boland:
Passiflora cumbalensis
Todd Boland:
Pernettya prostrata
Todd Boland:
Paramo of Ecuador
Todd Boland:
Begonia glabra