todbot: all roads lead to...
todbot: flower maidens
todbot: the lovely cake
todbot: the van of weddingness
todbot: Mr. Sto
todbot: who's that girl? must be someone famous
todbot: To the lover of horse flesh...
todbot: the groom and some dude
todbot: lovely bride and father
todbot: beautiful couple
todbot: wedding guests
todbot: shain playin'
todbot: camera detritus
todbot: the officiant, channeling her shakras
todbot: across the huge grass lawn
todbot: that cello guy
todbot: some of the guests
todbot: dinner
todbot: dinner
todbot: anne & preston
todbot: chandeler cake
todbot: kathy
todbot: making it official
todbot: trees at night
todbot: happy couple leaving for the night