Toby King: After the parade
Toby King: 360 degree world view (Bentley style)
Toby King: Heading home with ice creams
Toby King: Bearded fly
Toby King: Buzzy
Toby King: Eagle eye view of Salisbury Cathedral
Toby King: Just like being at Hogwarts
Toby King: Ready for take-off
Toby King: Round the bend
Toby King: A tough job...
Toby King: Bath rails
Toby King: What the cuckoo spat
Toby King: Gay Street, Bath
Toby King: Colourful fly
Toby King: Disputed territory
Toby King: Soaring to the heavens
Toby King: Swallow
Toby King: Identity: unknown. Gender: definitely known.
Toby King: Scampering
Toby King: Angry squirrel
Toby King: Crossing safely
Toby King: Buzzard i
Toby King: Buzzard ii
Toby King: Four legged creature from the sky
Toby King: Bad taste in the mouth
Toby King: Herondactyl
Toby King: Fly 'doing his business'
Toby King: Six ducks a preening
Toby King: Old Sarum from afar
Toby King: Jess!