tobyjug5: IMG_1012 Kalaphorura burmeisteri
tobyjug5: IMG_2129 Byturus beetle
tobyjug5: IMG_2496 Malachius bipustulatus
tobyjug5: IMG_4216 Harvestman and aphid
tobyjug5: IMG_7391 Conopidae, Myopa testacea
tobyjug5: IMG_7442 Cranefly
tobyjug5: IMG_7450 beetle & spider
tobyjug5: IMG_3167 Deuterosminthurus pallipes
tobyjug5: IMG_3309 Elephants are scared of mice..
tobyjug5: IMG_3467 Flies mating
tobyjug5: IMG_5109 Mayfly
tobyjug5: IMG_3680 Lonchoptera lutea, Lonchopteridae; a female
tobyjug5: IMG_3692 dewdrop with flies mating
tobyjug5: fly & dewdrop 4 shot stack
tobyjug5: Bug & dewdrop 3 stack
tobyjug5: IMG_3689 Drosophilidae, Scaptomyza cf. graminum
tobyjug5: damselfly
tobyjug5: IMG_4181 Harlequin larva & bug prey
tobyjug5: IMG_2744 Katiannidae
tobyjug5: IMG_6322 Midge with ribbon of eggs
tobyjug5: IMG_6580 damselflies
tobyjug5: IMG_6525 Four-spotted Chaser
tobyjug5: IMG_7659 Broad-bodied Chaser
tobyjug5: IMG_7639 crop Pipunculidae (big-headed flies)
tobyjug5: IMG_7914 Four-spotted Chaser
tobyjug5: IMG_7784 Black-tailed Skimmer
tobyjug5: IMG_5495 fly surprised
tobyjug5: IMG_5240 mating flies & dewdrop
tobyjug5: IMG_5243 leafhopper
tobyjug5: IMG_5449