tobyjug5: Dicyrtomina ornata
tobyjug5: IMG_8897 Nalassus laevioctostriatus mating
tobyjug5: IMG_4309 Honey Bee in flight
tobyjug5: IMG_9281 Mite & Ladybird
tobyjug5: IMG_5510 Grey Heron
tobyjug5: IMG_5821 Large Red Damselfly
tobyjug5: IMG_5958 Fly predation by Dung-fly (genus scathophaga?)
tobyjug5: IMG_9745 Weevil
tobyjug5: IMG_1058 Black-tailed Skimmer fem.
tobyjug5: IMG_0474 "One in the eye" 1024 version
tobyjug5: IMG_0536 Crab Spider
tobyjug5: IMG_0717 Probably Trixoscelis
tobyjug5: IMG_8972 Meromyza (Chloropidae)
tobyjug5: IMG_1203 Lazy Carpenter Bee
tobyjug5: IMG_0127 Sciomyzidae. Trypetoptera punctulata. id by Paul Beuk,
tobyjug5: Harvestman in the dew
tobyjug5: IMG_0417 larva - Dolerus ferrugatus
tobyjug5: IMG_0934 Soldier fly
tobyjug5: IMG_1097 Philanthus triangulum & prey
tobyjug5: IMG_1285 Beewolf carrying prey
tobyjug5: IMG_1828 Burnet Moth
tobyjug5: IMG_1921 Bombus bohemicus?
tobyjug5: IMG_3055 Robberfly feeding
tobyjug5: Robberfly and victim
tobyjug5: Hornet robberfly (Asilus crabroniformis)
tobyjug5: IMG_3426 Ants fighting
tobyjug5: IMG_3693 Harlequin & Velvet spider mite
tobyjug5: IMG_2959 Anystidae mite & Sciaridae
tobyjug5: IMG_4110 Harlequin & Velvet Mite compete for aphid meal
tobyjug5: IMG_9673 Hoverfly