tobybarnes: broken clavicle
tobybarnes: broken clavicle
tobybarnes: broken clavicle
tobybarnes: xray machine
tobybarnes: xray machine
tobybarnes: xray grade
tobybarnes: butterfly fracture
tobybarnes: mind the gap
tobybarnes: top of the leg
tobybarnes: hip 2
tobybarnes: this lump is my bone
tobybarnes: scabby
tobybarnes: not supposide to come out
tobybarnes: elbow
tobybarnes: elbow
tobybarnes: looking good !
tobybarnes: tagged
tobybarnes: my notes
tobybarnes: inner city life
tobybarnes: pain control
tobybarnes: morphene controller
tobybarnes: details
tobybarnes: written on my arm - make sure it is the right arm
tobybarnes: barnes not barns