Tobias Revell: Haunted Machines
Tobias Revell: Seance with my laptop.
Tobias Revell: The Mechanical Turk, early ghost in the machine.
Tobias Revell: Arthur C Clarke's 3rd law
Tobias Revell: Cargo Cults
Tobias Revell: Waterproofing firmware hoax
Tobias Revell: Microwave charging hoax
Tobias Revell: Lemanchand box = smartphone
Tobias Revell: Black box
Tobias Revell: Gramaphone v iPod legibility
Tobias Revell: Networked black box
Tobias Revell: Apple's ghosts whispering
Tobias Revell: Talking about ownership and possession
Tobias Revell: You never 'own' an ebook
Tobias Revell: Terms and conditions
Tobias Revell: Regrettably dead trope following caller ID
Tobias Revell: Hacked printer to play doom
Tobias Revell: Arthur C Clarke, updated
Tobias Revell: Nest hacking
Tobias Revell: Facebook's hand in the till
Tobias Revell: Hacked fridges
Tobias Revell: Mercenary Cubiclists
Tobias Revell: Friendly ghosts
Tobias Revell: Nest is shouldering the existential crisis of climate change
Tobias Revell: Also doing crazy stuff with lights
Tobias Revell: The end of XP...
Tobias Revell: ...had catastrophic implications for bank machines
Tobias Revell: Post Office Skype
Tobias Revell: The ghostly visage of the machine
Tobias Revell: GERTY, designed in respect of HAL