Tobias Revell:
Sunny studio
Tobias Revell:
Student in a box
Tobias Revell:
Josef in the zone
Tobias Revell:
Murdoch fetish
Tobias Revell:
Birthday boy
Tobias Revell:
Questioning gravity
Tobias Revell:
This lighting was really film noir before white balance worked it out
Tobias Revell:
The panorama ability of the iphone. I'm selling my digital camera
Tobias Revell:
Kingston MA
Tobias Revell:
TEDx Varwic
Tobias Revell:
Aghast at American journalism.
Tobias Revell:
Inexplicable number sequence.
Tobias Revell:
Global politics in there.
Tobias Revell:
Deserted London on a saturday all the way home
Tobias Revell:
Not making culturally sensitive jokes.
Tobias Revell:
Speaker's corner
Tobias Revell:
The sinister case.
Tobias Revell:
Then out comes the humour as he reads a dilbert to us.
Tobias Revell:
Logitech CEO being angry at a chair that isn't smart enough or something.
Tobias Revell:
Meet the Kumars
Tobias Revell:
Sea of laptops
Tobias Revell:
Errant student
Tobias Revell: